Friday, November 6, 2015

Breaking News - Announcement from D. D. Story

***Breaking News***

SQS Publishing - Released the following statement from Author D. D. Story today.

Hey all,

Sorry, I have been off of the map for a while, but I wanted to write and let you know that I have begun the re-write of the Suzy and Katie Series, in collaboration with Author Richard Nurse.  We are of course beginning with book 1 "First Blush" and intend to work our way through the books in the order that they were written.

Our intent is to maintain the original story as it was written but to make it more of a contemporary romance, about two women who find love together.  Of course, that will mean that some of the most erotic portions are going to be going away, in the new editions.  There will still be plenty of sex, but it will no longer be graphic in nature.  The books will still be eighteen plus, but without the XXX factor.

Since the series is only available in digital format, we plan to de-list, (Take it off of the Market) each book once the re-write is well under way.  We will give our readers at least thirty days notice before we de-list a title so that those that would like the original, erotic content will have a final chance to purchase the book in its original format.

Each book will be republished with a totally new manuscript, new cover and will show the author is D. D. Store with Richard Nurse.  I am pushing for put it out as a paperback also, since that way I can finally hold both Suzy and Katie in my hands.

D. D. Story.

**Note** First Blush is in its final weeks of being available.  The price has been reduced to $0.99 and will be available until the end of November.  It will be delisted at that point, and will return at a date to be determined.